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Cannabis oil effective in reducing seizures in dogs

Study showed that cannabidiol reduced the frequency of seizures in 12 dogs who were given the natural treatment.


A study conducted at the Flint Animal Cancer Center at the University of Colorado in Aurora, United States, showed that cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive component of cannabis, reduced the frequency of seizures in 12 dogs who were given the natural treatment.

In a controlled clinical trial, there were 26 dogs, of which 12 received CBD and 14 received a placebo. In this way, CBD was administered at a dose of 2.5 mg / kg of weight in an oil solution twice a day for 12 weeks.

“Canines in the CBD group had a significant reduction in the frequency of seizures compared to the placebo group. However, the proportion of dogs that had a response to treatment was similar in both groups, “says the study.

The paper notes that in the CBD group, two of the dogs developed ataxia, a disease that makes motor skills impossible, so they were removed from the study. After this and other accommodations in the study, 9 dogs in the CBD group and 7 dogs in the placebo group were excluded in the analysis.

“Given the correlation between CBD plasma and concentration in the frequency of seizures, more research is needed to determine if a higher dose of CBD can be effective in reducing seizure activity by more than 50%,” he said. .

Read the full document at this link:





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