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Cannabis reduces the risk of cancer in patients with crohn’s disease


A study of 6002 patients with crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis showed that cannabis reduces the risk for them to contract different types of cancer.

This research was conducted in an investigation by the Decatur Medical Center in Atlanta, United States.

For the study, the scientists used a database in which they identified adults with crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

The data were taken in the registry called Nation Inpatient Sample in the years 2010 to 2014.

Of the 6002 patients with crohn’s disease, 2999 were cannabis users, and of the 1481 patients with ulcerative colitis only 742 were users.

“In patients with crohn’s disease a prevalence of colorectal cancer of 0.3% in those who were cannabis users and 1.2% in non-users, the research notes.

“Active fistulization disease or the formation of intra-abdominal abscesses were higher in cannabis users 9% versus 6%.”

People who used cannabis recorded fewer visits to hospitals. The study also points out some not-so-positive aspects about the use of cannabis in these diseases.

For example, “in patients with ulcerative colitis, cannabis users faced a higher frequency of fluid and electrolyte disorders (45% vs. 30%) and hypovolemia (2.7% versus <11), but with a Relatively lower frequency of postoperative infections (<11 vs. 3.4%),” the study notes.

Read the full study:





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