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Cuba bans all cannabis related information

Cuban decree considers symbols to cannabis to be an incitement to consumption


A decree published in early July in the Official Gazette of Cuba seeksto tighten the policy on cannabis on the island.

From now on, wallets, T-shirts, caps and scarves with cannabis leaves  will pay for a legal penalty.

The decree does not differentiate in whether it is a popular, medical, traditional or simply informative use. Sharing information will be a crime and all types of publication that allude to the plant is prohibited.

Resolution 23/2020 issued by the Ministry of Health which is stablethat cannabis products are “harmful to human health”. In this sense, we seek to cut with every impulse that can be created on the island because of the international opening on the subject.

From now on, not only willpossession, cultivation, sale or possession -penalty between 4 and 10 – be prohibited, but also related information. Which wouldresult in aviolation of the right to information anywhere else inthe world.

“Takinginto account the increase in the consumption, possession and transfer of marijuana and its derivatives, as well as its legalization at the national level by several countries and that international conventions only authorize international movement and use thereof for special purposes, authorized only by the competent national authorities; as regards the Ministry of Public Health as confirming that it is harmful to human health, the use of marijuana and its derivatives and the marketing of other products linked to this plant and others with similar effects, it is necessary to establish a ban on the importation, possession, transport and export for therapeutic or recreational purposes of the Cannabis plant (marijuana), the Erythroxylum coca (coca) shrub and Banisteria laurifolia (yagué), flowers, seeds, products or derived substances that produce drug-like effects for the national territory and in such a sense to dispose as they will be said. “

Read the decree:





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