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- The boom of CBD extracted from hemp generates confusion. In this article, you will learn to identify the differences between medicinal cannabis concentrates rich in CBD and CBD extracted from hemp (HEMP).
What is cannabidiol (CBD)?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive extract extracted from the hemp or the female cannabis plant. The planting of hemp is legal in more than 50 states in the United States, Canada and some European countries.
Its therapeutic effects have gained popularity during the last year.
Hemp is different from female cannabis popularized for multiple reasons like “marijuana”, both are varieties of the cannabis sativa plant.
Through selection processes, people have domesticated the plant for different uses. There are three clear differences between both genders:
- Morphology
- Composition
- Use
While in the female plant the production of the psychoactive therapeutic cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has been enhanced in its domestication, hemp has focused mainly on the production of seeds for its edible and for the production of textiles.
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Since the “therapeutic cannabis boom” of recent years, hemp producers have begun to develop extensive crops to extract CBD that can be exported to other countries through a gray market. Well, hemp has zero or very few amounts of THC.
Today hemp is used either for fiber (tall plants), medicine or for extracting CBD oils (many quantities, cultivation and dense stem for obtaining CBD), obtaining seeds (similar to female cannabis with less flowers) and branches.
Types of hemp oils
Nutritional hemp oil:
The seeds pressed or extracted in oils generate an oil rich in fatty acids. Specifically in Omega, 3.6 9. These fats have been shown to be useful for different conditions with a lower or higher therapeutic level.
Hemp extract oil (CBD Hemp Oil):
Hemp extract is made from the whole plant, including leaves, seeds and stem with C02 extraction methods. Most of the oils on the market that are sold as CBD oil are 97% or more of hemp seed oil, mct oil or vegetable glycerin and 3% hemp extract. This does not contain THC and is legal in the 50 US states, for this reason it can be traded within a “gray market”.
Medicinal use of female cannabis oil “marijuana”
The medicinal properties of cannabis have been widely studied today. In the plant there are more than 114 cannabinoids studied, among which THC and CBD (extracted from plants with high concentrations of CBD). MCN gives broad coverage to the most recent studies on the therapeutic use of cannabis at present.
MCN recommends using products rich in CBD extracted from female cannabis unlike CBD Hemp for the following reasons:
- Industrial hemp contains much lower percentages than those genetically rich in cannabidiol (CBD). Among them: Harley Quin, Harley Tsu, ACDC, Charlotte’s Web, etc. Its industrial extraction also endangers the final extract due to the properties of the root to absorb toxins from the soil.
- CBD derived from hemp, unlike those extracted from genetics high in CBD, lack flavinoids and terpenes. These elements provide numerous therapeutic effects that are highly studied today.
- In personalized medical cannabis treatments there is an effect known as “entourage effect” or “entourage effect” which consists of a complete activation of the therapeutic effects in the body. For this, CBD and THC are required.
* Note: If you have any questions about a product you can write to [email protected]
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6 tips for buying medicinal cannabis products
Read in Spanish
If you are thinking about acquiring oils or cannabis concentrates for medicinal use it is important that you take into account details such as production, healthiness and effectiveness.
The first step in this process is to identify the “Differences between the nutritional HEMP oil, CBD HEMP and CBD medicinal concentrates” (Read the article); the second, follow the following recommendations to know that you are acquiring a “safe and effective” product.
1. Choose CBD Cannabis Non-Industrial Hemp Oil (CBD HEMP):
If compared to the whole plant, hemp has a low profile of cannabinoids. To extract CBD from hemp it is necessary to plant hundreds of plants. Its characteristic as a bio accumulator, or ability of the root to clean the soil, has led scholars to affirm that a final concentrate could well be contaminated.
If it was planted in a contaminated place, the CBD concentrate will also be contaminated.
Note: a study carried out by the Brightfield Group on the use of cannabis products determined that 90% of patients in the United States prefer to buy products based on flowers (female cannabis) because they are considered more effective than those that are hemp.
2. Concentrates rich in CBD:
The experts in therapeutic cannabis recommend people to look for products that include both CBD and THC. A correct administration of both is safe and more functional for all kinds of people.
When CBD and THC are together, the therapeutic effects are better since both are activated symbiotically in the body’s cannabinoid receptors.
The robust profile of terpenes in cannabis concentrates enriches its medicinal value. On the contrary, hemp does not have terpenes of any kind.
Note: Terpenes are the aromatic components of plants. They are divided into categories including: caryophyllene (black pepper), pine (pine), mercene (mango) and limonene (citrus). Read: How do terpenes benefit me?
3. Read the labels
People must know what they are consuming. A safe and quality product will show the ratio of CBD and THC per dose, extraction method, dilution in millgrams. To dilute the concentrate is usually used nutritional hemp oil, coconut oil, olive oil. Some new products adhere extracts of mint, rosemary or others for the medicinal value of terpenes (odors).
As well as, if it is a concentrate of hemp or cannabis
4. Laboratory analysis:
Currently, in places like California, all products must be analyzed in laboratories to ensure consistency, cleanliness against pesticides, residues of solvents, fungi and contaminants.
In unregulated places it is impossible to achieve these characteristics at the moment. Therefore, be sure you know where your medicine comes from.
Note: Laboratory tests can become complicated even in regulated places like California.
5. Extraction method:
Avoid any product – not regulated – extracted with solvents such as Butane (BHO extration), hexane, propane or any other hydrocarbon.
This type of extractions may contain hazardous waste for the immune system of any person.
According to the medical scientific community, the safest solvent to extract cannabis for medicinal purposes is ethanol. Of course, a bad extraction with ethanol could have repercussions. Prefer those that do not have waste of any kind, those that do not smell of alcohol or that are liquid.
If you are in a regulated market, we recommend dyes of this type, laboratory extractions such as supercritical C02 or solventless.
6. Ingredients:
Check the dilution ingredients of your concentrate. Avoid artificial additives, corn syrup, trans fats, E-liquid among others.
* Note: If you have any questions about a product you can write to [email protected]
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