Cannabis is effective against pain in patients with endometriosis. This is the conclusion of the reports of 137 patients who conducted an investigation with about 240 patients.
In the surveys, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, United States, most participants reported that “cannabis was very or moderately effective.“
The groups were asked about consumption: the intake of cannabidiol (CBD) and its effects.
Both groups were asked about cannabis use and CBD intake and its effects.
“Of the 240 survey participants who responded, 32% reported having tried cannabis and most of them, 68%, said cannabis was very or moderately effective.”
Likewise, of the 124 hospitalized patients who responded, “47% reported having tried cannabis and the majority, 76%, reported that cannabis was very or moderately effective.”
CBD, which is not always effective in some diseases, was categorized as “very or moderately effective (46% and 65%).
“They are classified as moderately or very effective for pelvic pain by most women who have tried them, with marijuana as more effective than CBD,” the authors conclude.
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