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New cannabinoids: CBDP and THCP (33 times more potent than THC)


The most powerful natural cannabinoid in the world was recently discovered in Italy. It is THCP whose structure is quite similar to THC but 33 times stronger.

In addition, the researchers also discovered a derivative of cannadibiol (CBD), which they called the CBDP.

The new cannabinoid has been baptized as tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THCP) and was completely isolated from the plant by means of an extract.

The study was published in the scientific journal Nature and, according to the hypothesis of the cannabinoid researchers, THC may be one of the factors responsible for the differences between the effects of cannabis genetics variations that contain high concentrations of both compounds.

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The most powerful cannabinoid in the world

During the study, THC binded correctly by the body’s receptors. The researchers discovered in CB1 receptor, this cannabinoide was 33 times stronger than the THC when binded to the receptor and also, it was 6 times stronger than the THC when it was it entered in the CB2 receptor.

For this reason, it is said to be the strongest natural cannabinoid that exists.

In fact, according to the research, the potency of this cannabinoid is similar to most synthetic cannabinoids but its structure is almost identical to THC, a natural cannabinoid.

A few decades ago, synthetic cannabinoids were a great discovery as it was believed to have more potent medicinal effects. However, clinical research was unsuccessful due to its severe side effects because of its potency.

Now, researchers are trying to conduct preliminary animal research to determine if this cannabinoid can have the best of both worlds.

The so-called cannabidipurol, has not yet been thoroughly tested.

Read the full investigation at the link:





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