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Patients improve quality of life and use fewer opioids when using cannabis

The great north American opioid crisis is being fought with cannabis, the legal plant


Canadian researchers suggest that cannabis can be a great help to improve the quality of life of people with opioid addiction.

“The high rate of cannabis use for chronic pain and consequent reductions in opioid use suggest that cannabis may play a role in reducingharm in the opioid overdose crisis, potentially improving patients’ quality of life and overall public health. “

The article presents different discovered coughs in the quality of life of patients in Canada. With a focus on the impact of using prescription opioids and improving your quality of life over a period of 6 months.

Observation of patient stook place at 21 clinics throughout Canada. This analysis included 1,145 patients with at least one visit and their follow-up over 6 months.

Participants were 57.6% female with an average age of 52 years. 28% of participants reduced their opioid use to 11% at the end of the 6 months.

Daily opioid use went from 152 mg milligram of equivalent morphine (MME) at the beginning to 32.2 mg of MME at 6 months, a 78% reduction in the average opioid dose. Similar reductions were also observed in the other four primary classes of prescription drugs identified by participants, and statistically significant improvements were reported in the four WHOQOL-BREFareas,” the report notes.

In Canada, the use of cannabis against chronic pain and reducedopioid use shows the potential to combatoverdoses related to these painkillers. The study’s editors believe that these discoveries can improve people’s quality of life and public health.





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