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Study: Anxiety and depression can be treated with cannabis

Cannabis has a positive impact against anxiety and depression


A study of 7,362 patients depression (53.1% were women) conducted by the Harves Medicine clinic, in Canada, concluded that medical cannabis has a positive impact in anxiety and depression.

Patients who were included in the research were older than 18 years, with an average age of 49.8 years and met the validated questionnaire for anxiety (GAD-7) and for depression (PHQ-9) at their initial evaluation and with at least one follow-up appointment.

According to the results of the study, there were important improvements of their diagnosis to their follow-up appointments in the scores obtained by patients on the respective tests.

According to the researchers, “a significant improvement could be noticed in those patients who were actively using medical cannabis to treat both anxiety and depression.”

On the other hand, those who were under medical care for depression showed considerable improvement after 18 months of treatment, when the average was less than 5 in the PHQ-9 tests; therefore, less than those defined as Minimum Difference of Clinical Importance (MCID).

On the other hand, those who were under medical care for depression showed considerable improvement after 18 months of treatment, when the average was less than 5 in the PHQ-9 tests; therefore, less than those defined as Minimum Difference of Clinical Importance (MCID).

“This result provides evidence that supports the effectiveness of the medicinal use of cannabis as a treatment for anxiety and depression,” the research concluded.

Read the full study HERE —-





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