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THC mitigates chronic pain in elderly patients


In Potsdam, Germany, a group of 40 elderly patients with more than 80 years reduced their daily chronic pain when specialists in this field prescribed the cannabis component tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in its synthetic form, according to an open study.

The dates of the study were carried out between March 2017 and July 2018. The study also investigated non-palliative and palliative geriatric patients.

“We demonstrate that cannabis-based medications (in this case dronabinol) are an effective and low-risk treatment option that should be considered at the beginning of therapy.”

With the use of THC, 21 of the 40 geriatric patients (52.5%) achieved pain relief of more than 30%, 10% of more than 50%. On average about four symptoms or side effects related to previous treatments improved. 26% of them had side effects.

“In addition, the exercise increased the levels of the endocannabinoid known as anandamide and the areas of action where the CB2 cannabinoid receptor by means of which the anti-inflammatory protein expression had action,” says the research.

Read the full study here:





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