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On July 10 many countries celebrated the world day of medicinal cannabis oil and Costa Rica joined the celebration demonstrating that the local industry continues to rise throughout the country.
So far this year three events with professional quality have accorded the voice of activism tired of rancid and moralistic discourses -not scientists- by institutions such as the Costa Rican Institute on Drugs and the Public Ministry.
The first of them was the Expo420 that although it had a strong police presence was classified by the attendees as one of the best events of the year where more than 600 people were present. This ended up driving La Copa, the first award given to growers. The attendance rate of the event was approximately 500 people. You can watch the video in this link.
The 7/10 whose name, if you look at it the other way around, means “Oil” or “oil” in English, it is the day of the year destined to the culture of the medicinal and non-medicinal oils that have developed from the opening of the subject and the industry in several countries.
Believe it or not, in Costa Rica the culture of oil has little to envy other countries less conservative than ours. This includes trained extractors and growers.
“The idea of this event is to bring the community to the best brands and products. We know that because of the prohibition you are imprisoned and you are prevented from developing professionally as in other countries. The 710cup beyond being an award, puts people up to date with the same thing that is happening in other countries, “said one of the organizers.
Already in The Cup had seen how a large part of the growers is still afraid to be publicly exposed, although the events have been private and by invitation. However, in the 710 Cup we saw how little by little the community loses fear.
This time, the organizers received 14 samples for flower and 4 samples for extract. MCN brings you exclusive winners:
Category Flower
Green Crack by Diamond Grower
Sour Diesel, Totto Grower
Lemon Banana Sherbet by Rootikal
Category Extractions
White Russian by Dave Dab King
Sour Kosher by Dave Dab King
Og Kush by The Cleanest
In this opportunity, the assistants could smell and taste the participating samples. In this way we seek to obtain greater transparency when it comes to competitions. In the event there was also music, healthy food, construction with hemp, beauty products and new methods of agriculture nationwide.
If you wonder why you did not receive an invitation, this is because unfortunately the country’s legal conditions so warrant. The community encourages people to organize, take patients and hold events. In the private sphere, none of these activities are classified as crimes. Do not stand out!
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