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CBD can help you quit cigarettes

These findings suggest that CBD might play a crucial role in alleviating the challenges associated with quitting smoking.


New study shows potential of cannabidiol (CBD) as a repurposed therapy for nicotine cessation. Cigarette smoking remains a global health concern, leading to preventable diseases and fatalities. Despite numerous attempts to quit smoking, long-term success rates are limited. This underscores the urgent need for innovative therapeutic interventions.

Study Design and Findings:

Male and female mice were trained to respond for intravenous nicotine infusions at low or moderate doses. Subsequently, they were pretreated with varying doses of CBD before their drug-taking sessions.

“The results demonstrated a significant reduction in the number of nicotine rewards earned, regardless of CBD doses and nicotine intake levels. Importantly, these effects on drug intake were specific to nicotine, as mice self-administering food pellets did not exhibit altered behavior with CBD administration,” study shows.

Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms:

Exploring further, the study investigated the potential of CBD in mitigating nicotine withdrawal symptoms. CBD was found to attenuate somatic signs associated with nicotine withdrawal and prevent nicotine-induced hyperalgesia (increased sensitivity to pain).

Even though, there has been previous important studies on this matter. The study presents compelling evidence that modulation of cannabinoid signaling, particularly through the use of CBD, may emerge as a viable therapeutic option to assist individuals in their journey to quit smoking.

“These promising results highlight the potential of CBD as a valuable tool in smoking cessation strategies, providing hope for those seeking effective and innovative approaches to overcome nicotine addiction”, study concluded.

Cannabidiol as a potential cessation therapeutic: Effects on intravenous nicotine self-administration and withdrawal symptoms in mice – PubMed (





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