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“With cannabis oil, half an hour later, I don’t feel pain,” says an elderly patient.


After using morphine for more than 40 years because of an accident, Chantal finds that medical cannabis is today a more effective treatment to stop her pain.

In France, thousands of patients are waiting impatiently for experimentation with medical cannabis that has been launched since 2020.

In his freezer Chantal keeps his dried cannabis flowers. These flowers are used to make tea or to inhale them in your electronic vaporizer.

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He also has the classic cannabis oil in a small jar which states that he uses it “when he feels very bad.

“Take the oil when the medications have no effect on me. With that, in a matter of half an hour, I stop suffering,” says Chantal.

His case began 40 years ago when Chantal had a car accident. Previously, he dedicated himself to teaching mathematics, however, from then on the neuropathic pain in the head and neck arms became stronger and stronger.

Chantal was under morphine for 20 years and two years ago he tried cannabis.

“I take two drops in a spoonful of honey that I subsequently put under my tongue and taste it, in a while the pain softens and then, generally, I fall asleep,” he says.

Chantal says he looks forward to the results of the National Drug Safety Agency (ANSM) experiment and says he would like to participate.

She dreams that one day she can stop taking morphine.





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